Hollywood Smile - DentBlue International
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Hollywood Smile

Hollywood Smıle

What is Hollywood Smile?

Hollywood smile: It is a customized smile makeover consisting of whitening and porcelain coating processes. As the result of treatment the existing teeth structure of the person with veneers and eliminating the disharmony between gums and teeth through gum aesthetics therapies, a healthy and white smile is provided.

The Hollywood smile is a total smile makeover and involves veneer application on all teeth or visible teeth of the upper and lower jaw. Having a beautiful and natural smile mainly affects self-confidence.

This process is called Hollywood smile or smile makeover. The reason it is called this way is usually the standard smile of Hollywood celebrities and the modeling of their dental structure. After a series of procedures, cosmetic dentistry can erase your old smile and make the dazzling smile of celebrities possible for you.

What Are the Materials Required for a Hollywood Smile?

 Materials required for a Hollywood smile are; full ceramic crowns, laminates, zirconium crowns and implants according to the need. The process is realized mostly by using laminates, full ceramic crowns and zirconium crowns.

How long will these processes take?

The application stages planned for smile makeover can be completed in 3-4 consecutive sessions, in an average of 4-5 days. The intensity of the interventions required for the smile makeover and the availability of patient determines the number of appointments needed. For example, if the patient has missing teeth and needs implant treatment, the smile makeover process can be extended up to 3 months.