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Laminate Veneer

Lamınate Veneer
What is an laminate veneer?
It is a method that is made by thinning only the front faces of the teeth between 0.3-0.7mm without filing the teeth, and the least healthy tooth tissue is lost. This is the process of bonding porcelain dental lamina to the thinned area.
It is also known as porcelain laminated, laminated, leaf porcelain teeth. It requires a very special laboratory and labor process.
What kind of method is laminate veneer?
The cases where the tooth lengthes are shortened and the worned enamels are a good system for porcelain laminates (leaf porcelain). Cracked and broken enamels are covered by leaf porcelains and give the most natural tooth appearance due to the high quality of light transmittance.
Bleached teeth become re-colored from tea, coffee and cigarettes over time and need teeth whitening. Patients who want permanent whiteness may prefer porcelain lamina teeth.
Porcelain laminates can be applied to patients whose teeth are not aligned properly, who do not prefer orthodontics, or who have a shortage of time for braces. Leaf porcelains are often used in the treatment of split teeth to close the spaces between the teeth.
In addition, it may be a suitable choice for patients who avoid overcutting their teeth.
What are the advantages of laminate veneers?
There is no need to fill the tooth too much, between 0.3-0.7 mm filing will be enough.
Having the aesthetic properties (such as color, shape, form) you want without damaging the natural structure of your teeth can be done with porcelain lamina.
Porcelain surfaces are smooth, so it minimizes staining and tartar formation caused by smoking and similar reasons.
It does not change color due to external factors such as coffee, tea, cigarettes.
It is very fragile in terms of material. However, when fully adhered to enamel, its resistance to tension and tensile forces becomes very high.
They are made of solid, non-discolourable and durable materials.
It has high resistance against abrasion. In addition, e-max crowns are applied to each tooth individually.
How long will these processes take?
It is completed in 5 days and 3 appointments in total. Dentist can add some more appointments if it’s necessary.+
Is it common for the laminate veneers to break or fall off?
Fracture and cracking can be seen with reverse and excessive force, but this is almost the same as the possibility of breaking a solid tooth. If the dentist acts in accordance with the technical sensitivity during the treatment, you can use your laminate like your own teeth.
How much substance is lost in my teeth during the procedure?
Between 0.3-0.7 mm filing will be enough.
Having the aesthetic properties (such as color, shape, form) you want without damaging the natural structure of your teeth can be done with porcelain lamina. The dentist decides who is suitable for this method.